Designed by Les Usherwood. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. This beautiful version of Century Old Style by Les may be superior to any existing versions.
1800s , 1900s , 1920s , 1930s , American , book , century , clean , conservative , cool , corporate , correspondence , English , fashionable , formal , headline , legible , magazine , masculine , menus , minimal , modern , modest , narrow , news , news headline , news text , office , Oldstyle , personal text , plain , poster , realist , retro , sensible , serif , signage , sport , sturdy , technical , transitional
1Nikaia™ Font
2Revelation BTN Font
3OCR-B® Font
4Blue Goblet Ornaments™ Font
5Kolinsky Sable SG™ Font
6Murray Hill SH™ Font
7Minister™ Font
8Amplifier Font
9Goldbarre Font
10Carmine Tango™ Font
11TS Goudy™ Font
12Imperator Font
13Brisa Pro Font
14Pyke Font
15New Font
16Dominante™ Font
17Verse Sans Font
18ITC Juanita™ Font
19Cavaliere Font
20Bamberg Font