NerdishHex is a hexagonal distortion of NewNerdish that I thought was rather interesting.
1Geometric 885 Font
2Expressa Serial Font
3Papyrus® Font
4Mythos® Font
5Motion™ Font
6ALS Zwoelf™ Font
7Lil Milton AEF™ Font
8Pyle Font
9Spam Font
10Screwed AOE Font
11Otoboke Font
12Corpus Font
13Coronet I Font
14Joga™ Font
15Ela Sans Font
16Sandikza™ Font
17Quirkley JNL Font
18Ladybird Font
19Boracho Font
20Bronco Rose Font
1Dschoyphul™ Font
2NeuAltisch™ Font
3KampFriendship™ Font
4Modsten™ Font
5AndrewAndreas™ Font
6Rundigsburg™ Font
7Xahosch™ Font
8Unikled™ Font
9Red Letter Font
10Zimple Font
11FlyHigh™ Font
12Hermainita™ Font
13OldHaroldRee™ Font
14Porker™ Font
15Federhozen™ Font
16Put My Foot Down™ Font
17Valenteena™ Font
18Grundee™ Font
19Yahosch™ Font
20Watchmaker™ Font