American Writer is suitable for many types of designs. It is meant to be used for body text and is very readable at small text sizes. It looks similar to the type you would see on blueprints or an architect’s drawings.
1Belfast Serial™ Font
2Dom Casual EF™ Font
3Presence™ Font
4Flemish Script™ Font
5Oxida OT Font
6Corporate URW™ Font
7Invites Font
8Sensational Sans Font
9Gillies Gothic™ SB Font
10Sodium Font
11Estilo Font
12Linotype Atomatic™ Font
13LTC Globe Gothic™ Font
14Sayer Interview Font
15Beton® SB Font
16Arctic Font
17Black Bull Font
18Bookman™ Font
19Ellisea™ Font
20Banshee® Font
1Rendezvous™ Font
2Little Sunshine™ Font
3Cattapilla™ Font
4Jelly Bean™ Font
5Journal Hand™ Font
6Not Too Shabby™ Font
7Rockford™ Font
8Mayfield™ Font
9Java Jive™ Font
10Sunnydale™ Font
11Frivolous™ Font
12Famous Folks™ Font
13Hayseed™ Font
14Miss Demeanor™ Font
15Pink Lemonade™ Font
16Sweetheart Script™ Font
17Velvet Script™ Font
18Elisabeth™ Font
19Pointed Brush™ Font
20Christine™ Font