Century Oldstyle is Linn Boyd Benton’s and Morris Fuller Benton’s renovation of Phemister’s Miller and Richard Old Style for ATF forty-five years later, using the Century name for marketing purposes.
1900s , American , century , coarse , faceless , fax , heavy serif , legible , magazine , masculine , memos , Miller & Richard , news , news headline , news text , roman serif , serif , technical , transitional
1Futura® Font
2OCR-A Font
3Wood Factory™ Font
4ITC Zapf Book® Font
5Ticketbook™ Font
6Black Grotesk Font
7Positec Font
8Linotype Didot® Font
9Mittelschrift Font
10Arame Font
11Fry™ Font
12Original Garamond Font
13Profonts Bureau™ Font
14Jester Font
15St Friska™ Font
16Elongated Roman™ Font
17Koch Antiqua® Font
18Garamond No. 3 Font
19Terazza Tiling Font
20Miyagi Font
1Melina™ Font
2Bookman™ Font
3Rina™ Font
4Courier 10 Pitch WGL4 Font
5Bernhard Bold Condensed Font
6Bank Gothic™ Font
7Flareserif 821 Font
8Kaufmann™ Font
9Oz Handicraft BT™ Font
10Spinosa BT Font
11Cooper BT™ Font
12Goudy Catalogue™ Font
13Lucian™ Font
14Cruz Cantera™ Font
15Goudy Heavyface™ Font
16Park Avenue™ Font
17Bernhard Modern™ Font
18Alternate Gothic Font
19Caslon Bold Font
20Schadow™ Font