Before designing this font, C.H. Griffith consulted the results of a survey of optometrists regarding optimal legibility. Excelsior was then presented by Mergenthaler Linotype in 1931 and remains one of the most legible and popular fonts worldwide.
1Caslon Old Face Font
2Whipsnapper™ Font
3Elisabeth™ Font
4URW Kolibri™ Font
5Body Goat Font
6Geometric Slabserif 703 Font
7Joanna® Font
8KG Somebody That I Used To Know Font
9Congress™ Font
10KG Dark Side Font
11Customs Paperwork AOE™ Font
12Serlio™ Font
13Serifiqo 4F Font
14Franklin Gothic™ Font
15Concorde® BQ Font
16Northfork JNL Font
17Utah Font
18Uppsala™ LP Font
19Basilia Font
20ITC Stone Serif® Font
1Le Griffe™ Font
2Linotype Heureka Glyphs™ Font
3Linotype Smileface™ Font
4Iwan Stencil™ Font
5Xenois Sans Pro Font
6Kismet™ Font
7Bergell® Font
8Linotype Festtagsfont™ Font
9Chisel Font
10Frakto™ Font
11Linotype Ego™ Font
12Sabon® Next Font
13Dom Casual Font
14Frutiger Serif Pro™ Font
15Alcuin® Font
16Linotype Short Story™ Font
17Banshee™ Font
18Opal™ Font
19Vectora® Font
20Tarragon™ Font