Leitura Symbols is part of Leitura Type System and was specially designed for editorial purposes.
1EF Imagination Fisheyes™ Font
2Flying Objects™ Font
3Ornata C™ Font
4PO Box Font
5Currency Pi Font
6Ultimate Ornaments Font
7Egyptian Hieroglyphics Basic Font
8FT Funghi™ Font
9Stan Bugs Font
10American Spirit STF™ Font
11DB Foliage Font
12Spare Parts Font
13EF Typomix Font
14Ornata E™ Font
15AF Retrospecta Font
16MonsterKit Font
17Polytype Dumas II Frames Font
18Zodiac Font
19Altemus Web Icons Font
20Travelog JNL Font
1Aquila Font
2Monox Serif SC Font
3Cultura Font
4Cultura New Font
5Penna Font
6Leitura News Font
7Velino Compressed Text Font
8Velino Poster Font
9Acta Poster Font
10Leitura Font
11Pluma Font
12Aparo Font
13Albo Font
14Resea Font
15Mafra Display Font
16Ventura Font
17Glosa Font
18Prelo Compressed Font
19Dione Font
20Missiva Font