The first weights of Neue Haas Grotesk were designed in 1957-1958 by Max Miedinger for the Haas’sche Schriftgiesserei in Switzerland, with art direction by the company’s principal, Eduard Hoffmann. Neue Haas Grotesk was to…
1950s , business text , expensive , favorities , grotesque , helvetica , Husqvarna , legible , magazine , sans-serif , signage , swiss
1ITC Fontoon™ Font
2Badloc™ Font
3Americana Font
4PTL Maurea™ Font
5Twentytwelve Sans N Font
6Chills Font
7Azelea™ Font
8Bazhanov™ Font
9Shàngó Sans™ Font
10Galba Font
11Helvetica Inserat® Font
12ABTS milk Font
13Preto Sans Font
14Nouville Font
15LTC Globe Gothic™ Font
16Neue Thannhaeuser™ Font
17Mono Condensed Font
18CamingoDos Font
19Solo Data™ Font
20Arventa Std Slab Font