A rough sanserif titling cut by Rudolf Koch for Klingspor in 1923. The letters give the appearance of being crudely cut in wood.
1920s , 1930s , 1990s , Africa , Arts and Crafts , decorative , german , informal , jungle fever , primitive , tiki
1Fette Gotisch™ Font
2Century New Style™ Font
3Gravur-AR Font
4Arcadia® Font
5Schadow Antiqua™ Font
6Hypercell Font
7Kahlo Rounded Font
8Constance Font
9Motherlode AOE Font
10Cooper Black EF™ Font
11Muse Face Font
12Modern 735 Font
13Geometric 231 Font
14Stylette JNL Font
15EF Franklin Gothic Font
16Gunar™ Font
17Hip Hopper™ Font
18Navel Font
19Lithia Font
20Ornaments 2 AR Font
1Cheq Pi™ Font
2Linotype Smileface™ Font
3Linotype Schere® Font
4Equinox™ Font
5Levato Pro Font
6Odense™ Font
7Linotype Constitution™ Font
8Linotype Nautilus™ Font
9Compatil Exquisit® Font
10Bulmer® Font
11Saphir™ Font
12Grafilone™ Font
13Linotype Bix™ Font
14Leggodt™ Font
15F2F Allineato™ Font
16Liberty™ Font
17Caravan™ Font
18Minion™ Font
19Teknik™ Font
20Erbar™ Font