Chianti was designed at Bitstream by senior designer Dennis Pasternak in 1991 and initially released in 1995. The intent behind the design was to provide a humanist sanserif of high readability at a wide range of sizes and…
Chianti BT WGL4™ Font Styles
1Eroxion™ Font
2Chervonec Uzkj™ Font
3Bauer Bodoni™ Font
4Candy Bits Font
5Blippo™ Font
6Steppin Out™ Font
7Serifa® Font
8Cheltenham™ Font
9Alternate Gothic Font
10American Text™ Font
11Empire™ Font
12Goudy Catalogue™ Font
13Decorated 035 Font
14Folio® Font
15Antagometrica BT Font
16Davida™ Font
17Baker Signet™ Font
18Liberty™ Font
19Big Limbo™ Font
20Century Schoolbook™ Font