A text face designed by Walter Tracy at Linotype & Machinery for The Daily Telegraph in 1969, the design brings the crispness of the Modern design to the newspaper page.
Telegraph Modern Font Styles
2Worcester™ Font
3French Stencil JNL Font
4Sommet Slab™ Font
5Sevigny Font
6Industrial 736 Font
7Hadank Font
8Versa Old Style™ Font
9Frances Uncial™ Font
10Sattler AS™ Font
11Alghera™ Font
12Stencil™ Font
13Bertoni Font
14Berolina Font
15Alinea Serif™ Font
16Thorowgood EF Font
17Playbill EF Font
18Latino Elongated™ Font
19Civita Font
20Rusticana™ Font